MTC and Our First Week in the Czech Republic

 Hello from Jihlava, Czechia 9-October-2021:

   We are grateful for the support of our mission leaders and others (Strattons-YSA senior missionaries), local elders (Davis and Jenkins) as we arrived to life in Jihlava.  Jet lag is behind us, but the bewilderment and challenge of the new language is real (1% daily improvement is our motto). We are getting our bearings with how we can help in the Lord's work and His children.  
   We are increasing our knowledge of the self reliance tools developed and which we'll share to benefit both members and all citizens in the Czechia/Slovakia Overview (, including: My Path, My Foundation, Emotional Resilience, Personal Finances, Starting/Growing a Business, Finding a Better Job, Education for Better Work, Perpetual Education Fund, English Connect, Life Skills, 
    We joined the Cumorah Academy as advisors.  This is a large estate near Prague where 50-60 Young Single Adults reside and are given encouragement, taught various courses listed above as they prepare for their futures.  We have called many of the young missionaries and offered to come to their cities and zones to share English Connect course materials and advise them of the above other skills to help those they meet.
    We were quite pleased to get our parking pass (after 3 trips to the city magistrates offices), only a 40 minute walk each way.  We met our landlord (got her needed signature) information for the pass last Sunday.  Hopefully our new Hyundai hatchback is legal on our street below.
     We are excited to zoom in with our daughter Marissa at her in-laws in Bluffdale, UT this evening as Capri Michele Anderson is baptized by her father Chase Anderson.  Though we miss these milestones in our children and grandchildren's lives, we are grateful for technology to participate virtually (we've all learned this much the past nearly 2 years with Covid globally).  We love you sweet Capri.
      Thanks for all your prayers and support.  We love the Lord and will strive our best to serve Him, every day, every day.   Love, Sestra and Starši Schroedter

 Our new home in Jihlava, Czechia (čajkovskěho 4502:
Beautiful-narrow street of cobble stones               blessed to have a new Hyundai hatchback
our entry (our flat is on the 3rd floor), grates in front          we had dinner with the young elders 
(not Michele's favorite as our kids' know...good times!).     conference weekend--they made halusky!

Our daughter, Shelby, called from Chelmsford England a week ago Saturday am (2-Oct) as her and her family were coming back from cleaning their church--grateful for i-phone Facetime & low costs global calls!  Lots of walking about our new city, an old stone wall near the zoo (5 minutes from our place)

Jihlava, Czechia...we were told it is the country's 2nd largest town square next to Prague.
A morning walk south of Jihlava 20 minutes to a glorious sunrise (8-Oct-2021)...symbolic of our first week in the Czech Republic--a beautiful and historical rich land
walking back toward Jihlava....a small stream, fall foilage and quiet morning peace

after 10 minutes back at Jihlava city center                via Google translate [Kazhurdee den] (every day) 

My mind reflected on an inspiring sermon (address from Elder Johnson in 2019 worldwide conference)

If we will read God's word, every day every day, if we will pray to the Father in Christ name every day, every day.....we will  have strength to overcome

Arrival and Welcome in Prague by President & Sister Gehring 29-30 September 2021:

Feeling blessed, tired and grateful to arrive to our fields of labor!

President and Sister Gehring greeted us at the airport after our layover in Amsterdam. We walked near mission home to one of the old city centers (castle, church) to overlook the beautiful city of Prague.  We appreciated their hospitality though we were quite jet lagged.

pan shot of the beautiful city of Prague
Prezident took us for an early morning walk over this iconic famous bridge typically teaming with tourists to the famous Prague old town square
the morning light breaks looking back at the square and this extremely complex and multi-faceted clock

Mission Training Center (MTC) 20-28 September 2021, pictures / comments below 

We had a wonderful week with other senior missionaries going into all corners of the world; we also saw and met some of the 1,000 young missionaries going into most parts of the U.S.  Our instructors Sisters Hanamaikai and Randall were a joy each day as we discussed many gospel topics and learned together well.

one of the many beautiful murals in the MTC... we hope to lift the downtrodden and those in need via our self reliance and welfare calling to the Czech/Slovak countries
the senior missionary group as we arrived--within a week, we met wonderful couples going throughout the world.  At dinner, we met the Sizemores (she was the older sister of my first companion in Japan April 1979, Zolman 長老 originally from Montana), the Dompiers of AZ off to Winter Quarters NE taught us much....God speed to all

our district group (Sturgills - NYC, Merrills - Dominican Republic, Teacher-Randall, S. Lanier - England, S. Weigart - Trinadad/Barbados, Schroedters - Czech/Slovak missions)

dinner & game night at Kristi's                                            Caleb took us to SLC--departure 28-Sep
(Elsie, Millie and Caleb) - Sat pm p-day dinner
only a few languages until Covid restrictions lift       Texas reunions (Hansens-Mission President)
                                                                                     (Pickerds - Katy Stake President)
love this sculpture on the MTC campus                          1st day - President Alexander set us apart
called from our retirement to be fishers of men               heavenly and tender feelings
Check-in 20-Sep at the Mission Training Center (MTC) obligatory world map -- mission point picture


  1. You two are just the best! Love reading about your mission!

  2. You look amazing and are doing amazing work. Thanks for the pics and details. Love seeing your life experiences blessing the lives of so many. Those YSAs are as blessed as the blessings you are accruing. Sid

  3. Hmmm. Nebyl jsem přihlášen. Ten předchozí příspěvek byl ode mě.

  4. Okay. I don't know how to sign in, then. Well, that's three comments from Brother Paul
    {Starší Pavel Orsone}

  5. Very awesome! I received some temple work to do for relatives from some in Germany when the Frieburg Temple was new. They were so busy she couldn't do them. I got them done after a few years and sent the papers back. I don't remember her name though.


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