Thru cloud and sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me!

    This phrase from the 1st verse, last line of Abide with Me! describes many days of our last 15 months serving in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Austria.  The friendships fostered, and the love shared have blessed us far beyond measure.  Through difficult days and glorious days, we have truly felt the Lord's abiding love and guidance as we strived to represent Him, even Jesus Christ, every day! every day! every day!
    We have learned to love our neighbors more deeply, and we have felt loved beyond words.  I reflected on the deep emotions and tender feelings I had (still have) for the people of Japan 40+ years ago when my young mission days ended.  That last train ride from Kochi, the ferry ride to Hiroshima and a local train to the Okayama platform; bullet train to Osaka and the tear-filled flight to San Fransisco.  Similar reflections and memories of love were repeated as we concluded our multi-country missions here in Europe.  Those we taught and loved were deepened in the reason we serve missions:  To invite all to Come Unto Christ--to Hear Him and to Follow Him.  In our service we are changed as well.  We have come to love many people from Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.  We thank the Lord for giving us this opportunity.  We received far more than we gave.
    December 2022 is nearly in the book of life; a recap before the photo flood:
    2-8 December Marissa and Chase Anderson visit from Oregon USA. They accompanied us in our labors in Vienna, up to Bratislava Slovakia on to Auschwitz Poland.  We then reflected and shared time with friends and memories in Krakow, Poland.  Drove to our first flat in Jihlava, Czechia, then to Cumorah Academy (near Načeradec) for a few nights and a day in Prague before they flew on to Paris.  Marissa did a semester abroad there and was excited to share the city of love with her love.
    8-9 December, Cumorah Academy Fall 2022 Graduation: Celebrations, separation sadness and tears. Reflections and love shared by 50+ students (from 4 continents and 21 countries).  A wonderful diversity of students, weekly dynamic mentors sharing nuggets of knowledge and experiences, and personal study helped each young person grow and develop.  Our love for each person was real.  We will miss them and keep in touch as best we can in the years to come.
    10-14 December, Farewell to our YSAs at the Vienna Institute building.  We cooked a meal and let them know we love and pray for them always.  We also had a wonderful Döbling ward Christmas evening meal and "Picture a Christmas" program (Michele was the Oma, Babushka, grandma).  It was very well done.  The International ward reminded of us our 6 years living in Singapore-great love!
    16-December, our last Austria Zone conference in Salzburg, Austria on snowy cold day.  We cannot speak enough of how much we love working with the young missionaries and the friendships we have forged with our senior missionary conferences as we all strived to do our best in the Lord's work.  What a privilege to have Scott and Jodi Naatjes as our last mission leaders and a part of our family (through Grant's marriage to their daughter Kendall).  They truly inspired us and brought God's Spirit and Love to many conferences and visits together.
    15-20 December, Shelby, Josh and their 3 kids visited from Chelmsford, U.K.  Since they had visited us earlier in 2022, we mostly stayed in Vienna.  We took one day trip to Graz, Austria (Josh's favorite mission city of nearly 20 years ago.  We left them for a day on the 16th (to travel to Salzburg) as they had their own family day in Vienna.  Many familiar sites from April's visits now full of Christmas shops.  Josh accepted a new job at a new bank in Copenhagen, Denmark.  They hope to sell their home in England and move to Denmark this spring.  Change is the constant in life.
    20-21 December, we dropped off Shelby's family at the Vienna airport in the afternoon, loaded our luggage and stayed at the mission home in Munich Tuesday evening.  The young elders took us to the airport early Wednesday morning and we fortunately were allowed to clear customs with expired Czech visa and no Austria documents with us of our registration in Vienna....yikes.  A long flight to Charlotte, NC before we arrived at the SLC Utah Airport where our son, Caleb picked us up.
    22 December, after a good rest at Greg and Lisa Ross home in Draper UT we drove out to Roosevelt UT.  That afternoon, our stake President in Katy Texas, Shad Hanis, FaceTime called and spirit-filled conversation as we reported our mission to him.  Shad was our home minister for a time.  I reflected on many sweet memories (skiing at their Conroe Lake home, gifting me a pair of his old basketball shoes when I had none to clean up our home after Hurricane Harvey). His energy for the gospel and mission of Christ is evident by the way he lives his life.  He gave us an honorable release and shared a view of the certificates we will receive.  We took our mission badges off that evening.
    22-29 December, and beyond to ?? we are taking care of Michele's parents, Larry and Connie Ross, 24 / 7.  Dad Ross has a deteriorated back condition and is in severe pain.  Mom Ross' dementia makes it difficult for them at times.  Michele administers most of the pain and mind medications.  I do most of the driving, cooking, maintenance and cleaning chores.  We are grateful to serve them and hope to see our kids over the next few months.  We look at this 'transfer' as in-family service opportunity.  We love Larry and Connie Ross; and we are grateful we could be here for them as they have been there for their family for more than 4 scores.
     New Year coming....we hope to see Chase and Marissa kids over New Year's Eve in Bluffdale UT.

    2-8 December Marissa and Chase Anderson arrival from Oregon USA.   The real heroes are Kaitlyn & Taylor Schroedter watching their 5 children (9 years to 5 years of age) and foster child (1 year old).  We and they enjoyed many wonderful mission sites and friends together, below:
Beautiful Belvedere even walk upon their arrival to help adjust to Vienna time! (1st Christmas Market)
3-Dec sites around Vienna, starting at the top of Schloss Schonbrunn Palace
one of my favorite spots - Japanese Garden at Schloss Schonbrunn (Korean Drama heart-love)

Wiener (Vienna) Christmas Market at Rathaus (City Hall)
I love Wien (Vienna)  -  Wein Symbol in front of City Hall building
ice rink -- packed with skaters 3-Dec Saturday evening
leaving Wiener Christkindmarkt to Hofburg Museums 
another Christmas Market site (1 of 10+?? in Vienna) and Mozart's Statue near Volksgarten
Chase & Marissa Anderson inside the beautiful Vienna Opera House
lots of walking down glitzy streets toward Stephanplatz (another Christmas Market of course)
4-December Sunday in Wien (Döbling ward building on Silbergasse to Karl's Kirche)
adieu Vienna for Chase and Marissa.....
5- December: on the road to Slovakia & Poland--plate # needed for our vignette in Slovakia
Bratislava Castle
back on the road mid-morning toward Poland......
First stop in Poland--sobering Auschwitz Concentration Camp from WW II
Entrance Gate: Arbeit Macht Frei (Work shall make you free)
    These atrocities in Poland, began in 1938-1939 (Germany from the west and Russia from the east) are well documented here in Auschwitz.  This was my 3rd visit in a year.  This was the first time I entered the Pole building and read what happened to the Polish people from both the Nazis and the Russias (when Russia was originally aligned with Hitler).  Of course, we know Hitler later broke his promise to Stallin and attacked Russia.  It saddens me deeply that Russia again is attacking to its west (a sovereign Ukraine).  Putin's propaganda seems to work among many Russians, but the rest of the world knows Putin is absolutely wrong.  His armies continue to commit evil and inhumane acts against civilians, cities and the innocent. I am a witness to many refugees' personal accounts and horrors.  We see him bombing infrastructure to freeze and harm citizens in their cities these winter months.  Nearly one hundred years since Auschwitz--another evil dictator (Putin) rises again in eastern Europe and his own people are suffering too.  Can we learn?
Auschwitz II - Birkenau
Then drove to the Krakow--church, dinner with Fosters & Bensons on the square, on to Liv'Inn Hotel
Krakow Square--bright and beautiful this Christmas Season
6-Dec Leaving Liv'Inn Hotel where many tender rescue memories & miracles in April-May 2022
visiting the Krakow Castle before we left for Jihlava, Czechi and Naceradec (Cumorah Academy)
6-Dec Jihlava Branch Church Site and look toward the Náměstí (ice angel done later)
7-December visit Cumorah Academy with Marissa and Chase and first group to leave that evening.
3 Temple Square Sister Missionaries (Jessica, Madara, & Marissa) and founder Patrick Sedivy
one Nicaraguan and one Mexican sister left the day before graduation...a mini ceremony
Jennifer was an amazing student, spiritual giant from Nicaragua! Kelly Shepherd with the Schroedters
Iain Saunders read & sang a Christmas Story "The Forgotten Carol" - an Anderson family tradition!
portions of some of the songs...
the beginning of partings and good-byes started 7-Dec pm
8-December am in Prague then parted ways from Marissa & Chase, back to Cumorah Graduation pm
[parked our car at the Czech Mission home, and walked to the Prague Castle] 
brought Andrea (Almendra's husband) visited Cumorah flying home to Spain--medical resident
someone does not like walking across grates..... someone hindered her a bit
said good-bye to Marissa & Chase on the Prague Square (Náměstí), luggage at mission home
Walking back from the Prague Square across Charles Bridge with our Trdelník & ice cream and by the Hoffmeister Hotel where we stayed with Matt Mathias, our Self Reliance (Welfare) Manager
We were able to greet Starši Milan and Sestra Susie Minarchik at the Prague Mission Home.  They just arrived from the US and will be serving in Plzen, Czechia.  We met the Minarchiks in Jeffersonville, IN in 1996--Susie taught piano to Shelby and Garrett (our eldest 2 kids, 11 and 9 at that time).
Milan fled Czechia during Russia's occupation; President and Sister Skousen are grateful they came!
8-December 1500 (3pm) Cumorah Academy Fall 2022 Graduation
heating up the outdoor grill for some serious roasting (turkey and ham)
early birds...loving it (Lubomir--marketing and chief camera man--many photos thanks to his work)
we (Lubomir and I) rocked our Christmas socks--- time: 1502!!!...finalizing their fancy attire
Graduation Speakers..Iain, Fernando and Polina
loving these final moments
  5 Group Leaders  -  well deserved recognitions!
4 semesters guiding Self Reliance (2 semesters teaching Institute)-what a joy for us this past 15 months!
the picture and memory book will be treasured for always
The Shepherds (Stacy and Kelly) were on-site Advisors: excellent work and recognition
a sewing machine for Stacey--they will be back as General Managers for 2 more semesters!
Ricardo (Ricky) recognized--he'll be back 2 more semesters until his university studies start
Patrick Sedivy, founder of Cumorah Academy, bids farewell to Jan and Paulina Pohořelický
worked together 15+ years to fulfill this dream of the Cumorah Academy
Chris from Romania is the first to be recognized ...each student individually called and presented!
Esther Group
Isaiah Group
Tibi (District President in Romania) and his wife Tehreh from Iran
Moroni group leader, Sofiia from Ukraine
Moroni Group
Ruth Group
Nephi Group (2 members went home the evening before)
and, the Cumorah Cup Fall 2022 winners are:    ...... the Moroni Group
Polina from Ukraine--a special friend and student of the gospel
Julie (from Syria) and Polina
Anastasiia (Ukraine--going to BYU-I this winter) and Hadi (Syria)both back from Spring Term;      Alina (Ukraine), far right
The Ukraine comrades (and Christian from Czechia)
Departures..... early am
our departure...bittersweet reflections and memories--Aneta (Brno YSA) from Jihlava hugs Michele
moon setting in the morning sky to the west from Cumorah Academy front door

Other December Cumorah Trips and Photos from the Semester (Kutna Hora & clay pigeon shooting)
Clay pigeons don't have a chance...?....

English Class and Emotional Resiliency (Finding Strength in the Lord) class
    One of the most amazing, rewarding and blessing of serving the YSAs in Czechia (at the Cumorah Academy) and in Austria is when someone discovers their own spiritual center and relationship with God.  Of course, I loved preparing the lessons on Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel or Answering Tough Gospel (Church) Questions. Instructor preparation benefits the teacher, and class discussions and shared testimonies become a blessing to all.  I will truly miss these youth from the past 15 months.  I will cherish these thoughts from a young lady (not a member of our faith) from Ukraine.  If you wonder whether serving a mission or senior mission is worth your time--such letters are priceless and may influence your decision:

For a long time in my conscious life, I thought I'm agnostic. But every next year I started more thinking about fundamental questions of existence. Who and in which way can it be the Creator of all of this?

I understood that my existence and life path have not been mistaken or accidental. Someone carries about me and loves me. Someone who loves me even more than my parents, someone who gave life for me, someone who gave me a chance at eternal life with the Heavenly Father.

When I realize it I mentioned how many miracles were in my life. I felt that my spiritual growth and my relationship with God became better and better every next day. I understood one important thing, if God on the first place in my life, I don’t have to carry about other things as much as before. Because if you have pure love to Jesus Christ and you are a person with an open heart, you are honest as much as you can you will receive a blessing. I realize that a lot of fears that I had before were the results of doubts and so weak faith. Jesus taught me to be brave and trust him. “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:36). Unfortunately, I can’t always follow scripture, but I decided to do my best. Now I feel gratitude and kindness more than I have ever felt.

I’m so grateful for this filling fullfilled life, for understanding that I’m not alone, I don’t fill lonely anymore, for each opportunity that I got, for each moment of happiness even when I didn’t have some special reason for that, for calm and rational thinking in very hard and terrible situations. For braving and diligence.

I’m so grateful for one thing, for love even for my enemies. I don’t have the feeling of hating or wishing to kill all of them. I just understood that it’s killing me inside and my relationships with God change not in the best way. I know this feeling can’t happen only when a person has this desire, it is deeper and it’s a miracle, it’s God’s blessing. 

        Does my opinion change about the role of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in my life? Yes, of course! Am I happy about it? Yes, it is! Will I do everything to increase and develop my relationships with my Savior? Yes, I will.

[a young lady from Ukraine 2022, in the midst of an invasion (war) in her homeland]

    10-December  Saturday late afternoon (Vienna Stake Community Outreach Meals to the Homeless and Ukrainians) At the Institute building in Vienna.  I helped a little while Michele went to our ward Christmas party practice.
.  After a few months of break.  Johanna and President Steven Helmrich are amazing examples of service and Christ-like love:

   10-December  Saturday evening - Döbling ward Christmas party "Picture a Christmas".  We had delicious potluck meal and program reflecting on Christ birth. 
(4-5 songs by the youth, primary and adults with the program) and activities for the kids
amazing decorations and details for a delicious meal.
        Christmas photo booth...Bishop Johnny & Elvie Banban and his family

12-December one of our last District Meetings, Lunch at Al Pacino (Elders Nadauld-ZL and Elder Bigelow-DL had a teaching appointment so they missed lunch time with us.  

14-December: Shelby and Josh Loud family visit from London until the 20th
first stop, the Belvedere, of course (not jet lag, just travel lag, left Chelmsford 330 am)
Another Karl's Kirche walk by (Josh's favorite church in Wien)
double decker Carousel at Rathaus (City Hall) Plaza--papa loves to treat (upper deck dish)

14-December pm: I cooked another Asian style chicken & vegan noodle dinner for the YSAs (our last Institute in Vienna).  Michele was with the grandkids, so I received this nice picture, note and Wien flag from the students.  Such great young people with bright futures.  On their quarterly gatherings, some 45-50 YSAs get together!  A few marriages and dating for their potential partner! [LOVE THEM]

15-December: Josh worked at the flat; and the rest of us went to Schloss Schonbrunn (we met for a late lunch at Schnitzel 52), and ice skating at the Rathaus Plaza; we prepped snacks for German class.
(taking the subway to Meidling, then bus to Upper Schloss Schonbrunn)
Papa and Andrew last on the ice...One word for figure skaters and hockey players - IMPRESSIVE
Another Christmas Market stop.....
Elder Nadauld's German class for Ukrainians (we finally have heat in the Institute building), but the rainy and cold weather kept many away today!
The Louds helped prep the treats we like to bring on TH nights--Andrew fascinated by multi-languages
another beautiful walk through Rathaus Christmas market and decorations

16-December: our last Zone Conference in Salzburg (our district elders' rap on the work)
snowy fairly hard in Salzburg, so we left before the gift exchange--back to Vienna around 930pm

17-December (Saturday), Josh, Shelby, Andrew and I went to Graz, Austria for the day (Josh's favorite mission city).  It was very beautiful and the comments by Josh added color and history for us all.
family photo from a friend....
Andrew and Josh would ride the chute down later (Shelby and I took the lift)
beautiful views of Graz, Austria (Josh pointing out his apartment 20 years ago)
Video walking in Graz city center, we then drove to Josh flat area and this nearby beautiful church in Graz, Austria.  They were concluding mass when we entered.  The organist came down and I went up where he played and found a spectacular photo site (my first cathedral organ entrance)

back to Wien.....
18-December (our last Sunday as full-time missionaries), we were asked to bear our testimonies at the end of the beautiful Christmas music and reading service.  We have a young man in the congregation who sings in the Vienna Opera, and a few other beautiful voices.  It was a lovely meeting and reflection with Shelby, Josh and their kids hearing us bear our testimonies of Jesus Christ.
[Shelby and Gretchen--she'll need to grow into my coat, beautiful Loud family at church]
Michele took public transportation home and I took the kids to a place to explore near the Leopoldstadt ward building that Josh recalled from zone conferences.
we agreed to come back on Monday to play more....Josh and I watching the world cup while Mimi plays a game with the granddaughters...

19-December - I went to our last district meeting (Leopoldstadt chapel); and then met Michele and the Loud grandkids' at Hofburg Museums
looking north to city center from Hofburg Museums & Christmas Market
Father and Son Mansions made into Museum's (center statutes)...entered the son's palace today
The animal diversity created for our earth is amazing and miraculous
amazing architecture and art
more amazing is our eldest daughter, Shelby (37); our eldest granddaughter, Aubrey (13), and Andrew (10); we are truly God's Greatest Creations and Purpose for this Earth
final upward view as we exited; and Aubrey back to the Hofburg Musuem Christmas Market Square
another picture by our elephant friend looking back toward the Hofburg musuem we visited

19-December, Monday dinner with President Scott and Jodi Naatjes, their daughter Megan and her friend Ian; the Shelby and Josh Loud family for our last evening (meal) in Vienna-excellent company!

20-December (departure day from Wien--Vienna for us and the Loud family.  Though we had lots of packing to do, we managed to get the kids back to the slides and playground behind the Leopoldstadt building in the Prater Park Spielplatz (play place).  The blanket we brought didn't help much on the long slide, but some swinging and climbing won the hour!
One more time to Belvedere to buy Aubrey much anticipated Churros (ok, but Krakow's were better!)
Good byes to the Louds at the flat for Mimi (Michele), and at the airport for Papa (me)
[last minute whisper (instructions) for Mimi from Gretchen] - around 330pm
Vienna Airport Christmas Greetings in German & English--off on the British Airways flight to the U.K.
carefully packing up and wrapping a special painting from Anna Pryshchepchuk
Auf Wiedersehen to our quaint flat on Hohlweggasee
leaving Vienna, Austria 5pm ish, arrived Munich, Germany mission home 10pm ish
21-December (departure from Munich, Germany via Charlotte NC to SLC, UT USA)
[office Elders provided a roomy ride in the Flipper]
[a little trouble at Customs, our Czech 1-year visa expired; we did not have Wien, Austria registration paperwork nor stamps in our passports....fortunately, the German Custom Agents had compassion on us two Christmas, Missionary Travelers and we passed to our plane with 10 minutes to spare.

[Munich, Germany airport and bus to our American Airlines airplane]
Arrival into Charlotte, NC USA
Charlotte NC reindeer decor to SLC, UT airport after nearly 6 hour layover..1130pm arrival

Our son, Caleb, drove up from Orem to pick us up.  We stayed at Greg and Lisa Ross place in Draper, UT and then drove out to Roosevelt UT (22-Dec) where we will begin our family service mission.
We were released as full-time senior missionaries by President Shad Hanis Thursday evening. He is a great friend and well-prepared leader of the Katy, Texas Stake of Zion.

2022 Christmas photo in Roosevelt UT, and  Larry and Connie Ross' Elder's Quorum President Samuel Chiara family Christmas cheer on Friday, 23-Dec  (he's the Duchesne County District Court Judge)

Christmas Day, I attended a beautiful service while Michele watched her folks (we will rotate attendance until they can go to church).  As we sang "Hark the Herald", I deeply reflected on the words in the 2nd verse that Christ was born (His Mission) to bring Light and Life and that man no more may die, but to give us a second birth.  I was sitting in the same chapel where we held our eldest son Garrett's funeral 6 years ago.  What a joy to know that he will be raised by Christ, as will we all.

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Risen with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth

Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the new-born king"

Indeed, this has been our missionary purpose the past 15 months to proclaim the Lord, Jesus Christ Mission and Message to all the sons and daughters of earth.

Michele and her mom, Connie Stevens Ross, worked well together to prepare a delicious Christmas dinner.  Dementia is hard, but her physical health is improving with more appetite of late.  Larry Ross' deteriorated back and infections require many visits in-home and to care centers.  He moves slowly.
Mike and Cachelle Ross family provided Christmas cheer and the sacrament Sunday afternoon.  Cachelle's mom Calleen was in town visiting her daughter, Cachelle.  Porter and Stockton played a nice song on their violin and cello.
We had a couple days of snow after Christmas
I got some good exercise Tuesday and Wednesday--replaced all the bolts on the shovel too (handyman)
Mike, Cachelle and their boys came by and helped finish the last street section on front of the house

29-December: going through a few items packed and last pictures (if anyone scrolls this far) of dear sentiments and thoughts:

A student from Ukraine shared these photos from a month back of her mom (or friend) teaching Ukrainian children in a bunker (basement of their apartment complex).  Though lights are sparse and conditions far less than most of the world can imagine--the Ukrainian (mankind) spirit for freedom, family, education and the future is real!  Slava Ukraini "Glory to Ukraine"

phonetic baptism prayer (Russian, I think) which I performed for Alena (she and her son fled Ukraine) in Krakow, Poland; a phrase from our friend Julie (from Syria)--"the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved!"  Julie is currently seeking asylum in the Czech Republic.
  Prayers and love for both these sisters' families.

Our Mission Songs from the Czech/Slovak and German Alpine Mission

Both themes:  THE LORD CALLS US

Until we are called again, we will strive to Labor in His Love and in His Ways all our days....
