A Time to reunite, time to comfort, times to teach and to travel - October 2022  

    Through the month of October, we had reunions sweet, separation sorrows, and joyous reflections as we went about striving to do good like unto our Master. [Acts 10:38]

    As mentioned in last month's blog posted the first of October, Michele returned to Wien, Sat pm 1-Oct after caring for her parents the last 2 weeks of September in UT.  I made Japanese curry for the YSAs and missionaries at the Institute building Sat 1-Oct afternoon.  Many gathered to listen to our church's global General Conference1800, Wien time.  We drove back to the Institute building directly from the airport. We listened to the broadcast on KSL radio to/from the airport.  It was nice to reconnect with the Wien YSAs and missionaries.

    Sunday, 2-October we drove up to the Cumorah Academy and enjoyed Sunday evening session (US Sunday morning session) with the students on campus.  We stayed at the Cumorah Academy through Thursday morning (6-Oct) and went directly to the Senior Missionary conference in Munich.  We had a wonderful conference, increased our friendships and knowledge of His work.

    We came back to Cumorah from Munich 8-Oct, taught a few missionary lessons, Institute and observed the youth interact with mentors.  We went back to Wien on 12-Oct for Elder Bednar's evening devotional to the Wien stake. On 13-October, the Cumorah Academy students traveled to Wien to hear and join Elder Bednar's devotional with the Wien YSAs.  We then went to German classes with our Ukrainian friends that evening.  Michele flew back to UT on 14-Oct at her father's request.  Michele continues to support her dad's ailing back and other health troubles while striving to calm the waters with mom's dementia. It is a lot of work for Michele.  She plans to return to Wien, 10-November.  Our work keeps us apart for now.

    I traveled back and forth between Wien and the Cumorah Academy throughout the second half of October by myself.  We had a special baptism of a young lady from an intolerant country where being a Christian is a high risk to life itself.  For her safety, I will not post pictures etc.  She desired that the 40+ attendees be able to witness her baptism.  At her request, we did not go to the indoor pool area, I performed the baptism in the outdoor pool (55F, 15C).  Neither of us felt the cold water; we only felt the sweet spirit of the sacred ordinance as she was baptized following the example of Jesus Christ.  Her entire family desires to be baptized back in her homeland too.  Perhaps, that day will come soon.

    The students have mid-semester break this last weekend of October.  Most stayed on campus or visited Prague.  The youth at the Cumorah Academy are amazing; they come from 4 continents and 23 countries.  They have challenges and hardships that most EU and US youth cannot imagine. It is a reminder that the world is not equally fair. Many suffer with war, civil strife; many basic freedoms are not permitted in many countries.  These youth at the Cumorah Academy are incredibly resilient and a joy to be around every week. 

    [Cumorah Academy students Fall 2022 makeup:  7 oppressed countries (EU, Asia, LAM): Ukraine, Belarus, Syria, Iran, Myanmar, Venezuela, Nicaragua; Latin AM – 7 more: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil; Europe – 8 more: Albania, Greece, Italy, Moldova, Romania, U.K., Spain, Switzerland, N. America - 1 more, USA,]

    It has been 6 years since my father's funeral at the beginning of October, and then our eldest son, Garrett, funeral (29-Oct) at the end of October. He fell hiking in the UT mountains--Sun Dial Peak, 25-October-2016.  Those whom we love and have passed from this life live in the spirit world and look over us too.  We pray we may all progress and learn whether in this life or the next until we meet again at Jesus feet.

Sat 1-Oct: chips & stroopwaffles snacks with Japanese curry (with and w/o chicken) all eaten!     

   1-October: Gen Conference at the Wien Institute building, jet lagged Michele unpacking      2-October: Gen Conf at the Cumorah Academy--multiple language locations on campus                 English (Zebra Room), Spanish (main conference room) -- below week of 3-OctoberMentors (Morris), Teachers, Students all learning and growing together!     Tibi Vancsa, Bucharesti-Romania district president (above) knew our son Taylor12 years ago!        Friday night Bonfire (7-Oct) while we were in Munich..such great young adults 

6-8 October drive to Munich, Germany - Senior Missionary Conference     Munich-Bayern Stadium sighting....nearing our destination    Alpine German Speaking Senior Missionary conference - such a spiritual 3 days 
 The Lakes (serving in Innsbruck) sharing a picture to help a Ukrainian family home thru Wien, President and Sister Naatjes (Grant Schroedter's in-laws) - picture for Peyton
  We spent our free Friday afternoon hiking near our hotel (already visited Munich sites)
   whether it be a tree or Faith: without a foundation and proper nurturing it will fall (Alma 32)

 Back to the Cumorah Academy: 9-12 October
 (apple picking 10-October--we learned that trees along the highway are for all citizens) 

11-October (our dear friend, Matt Mathias visited CA, current east EU Welfare Manager)
pictured with Fall 2022 semester advisors: Stacey & Kelly Shepherd--an amazing couple
"There's cake in the conference room!", "well, I should say hello"...Nata(lila) welcoming all !

 Origami night: students support Ukraine whose homeland hit with many missiles from Russia

Cornilles mentors from Saratoga Springs after they moved from Oregon (their roots)

12-13 October in Wien with Elder Bednar devotionals (stake and YSAs)
  reconnecting with the Footes before the meeting starts--Cumorah students in the fold!
  The Cumorah Choir sang "Where Can I Turn for Peace" - post devotional picture below
Veronika (from Ostrava) and Anya (from Brno) Czechia reunion in Wein..warm smiles
 Frankfurt audio-video equipment off to Budapest Hungary, then to Bucharest Romania

Key messages for me (what I heard from Elder Bednar's devotional):
    1. harness the power to love and to help others--charity is Christ power and a gift if sought
    2. honoring covenants entices us to love and remember Christ and be filled with His Love
    3. believe Christ and believe in Him--look to Him in all our afflictions and He will lift us up
    4. consistency helps us remove the world bit by bit from ourselves, be better each day
    5. even when your love is rejected, keep loving--change in ourselves takes time too
    6. Christ is the enabling power: understand it, accept it, promise to it, live it
    7. Agency is enlarged as we honor our covenants--I'll go where you want me to go
    8. at the end of the day--reflect on God's details in your life
    9. Faith in the Lord, Faith in yourself...Love the Lord and Love yourself
    10. Light, direction and protection in Jesus Christ
I know He Lives, Elder Bednar testified; as you ask, knock, be patient to accept His will

Cumorah Students waiting for their bus after a short touring afternoon in Wien (Vienna):

 Friday, 14-October 4:30 am taking Michele to the Wien Airport--surprised by her grandchildren from Oregon in SLC, UT visiting their other grandparents! [to be so LOVED]
  Caleb (her ride to Provo), Gisele Loisotto and sons provide a surprise hello too!

15-October Corniles say goodbye at the Cumorah Academy:

16-October (~50 Wien YSAs attend the Dobling Ward--International ward) then back to CA

Cumorah Academy devotional Sunday evening, 16-October, with Craig & Rebecca Parry
17-October Leadership and weekly Mentor Picture

18-October CA Students' presentation and practice time with Iain -- their favorite activity??

20-October: back in Wien for German Class at the Institute building (no Institute on Wed19th - Austria Independence Day--prepping for Christmas Markets in front of City Hall)
  standard Thursday snack of late
21-Oct Chinese lessons by at Cumorah Academy by Chad--business intern from BYU
22-October - glorious baptism at the Cumorah Academy (pictures not able to post)

23-October week (Brick and Malinda Allen, miraculous survival story-Faith & Forgiveness)
The Cowboy
 Prior semester reunions this week: (Hadi-Syria, Anastasiia & Alex-Ukraine, Ricky-U.K.
Special Three Friends (Iris-Albania Fall 2021, Alex Winter-Spring 2022, Julie-Syria Fall 2022)
25-October, Tuesday Myanmar culture night and cuisine sampling (Bella & Miki)

26-October (3-hour solo hike south of the Cumorah Academy Campus, beautiful Czechia), passing through my first village, a gaggle of geese ran me up the road!

Wed pm, hello to a few friends back in the common room! (Nata, Cleo and Karla)

28-Oct, Friday (Happy Birthday Chase Anderson), cool, morn walk (Leopoldstadt bldg)
our prior walkway is dismantled and being replaced? we hope
a cold morning 12 C, still managed a sweat in my short sleeve and shorts (got many looks), noon bells by the church near the Herz-Jesu Krankenhaus (Lord Jesus Hospital)
28-Oct pm Christmas Market set up underway at the everchanging venues in front of City Hall (Rathaus), en route to the Institute bldg, 20+ enjoyed my chicken tacos, spanish rice, et al!

This past week, mission presidents across Europe had a weeklong conference-seminar in Rome, Italy.  Our Mission President (Scott & Jodi Naatjes) sent us a picture of "new friends" they made this week: Rome Italy Mission President (Tim & Cindy Morris--Katy Texas friends)
we are blessed when our Prague senior Sister Missionaries (biological sisters: Jo Dent & Marilyn Hatch) visit and teach lessons with us at the Cumorah Academy.  We sadly miss most Wien district meetings on Monday with Fall 2022 Cumorah Institute classes. However, this Montag, 31-October will be a special treat to join our district meeting, celebrate Sister Boyer's birthday and eat lunch together before I leave for the Cumorah Academy by noon.

Happy Birthday Wishes to Michele from Czechia (Cumorah Academy) and Austria (Institute):

Final Add: Sunday, 30-Oct Michele's actual birthday and 31-Oct Wien/Cumorah

Jessica and Leslie (Cumorah Academy English Teaching Interns visiting Dobling Int'l ward in Wien on 30-October... A few of the YSAs wanted to talk more with them.
Our District Elders came over for dinner (chicken over rice) with brownies-vanilla ice cream. We celebrated Michele's birthday (long distance from her), our district sisters had a member dinner appointment--of course, they were invited too.

Marissa posted her kids before their Church Primary Program on Mimi's birthday
(surely love them--Alejandro, is one happy foster boy among the 5 Anderson siblings)

District Meeting at the Leopoldstadt building--Sister Boyer's birthday
1230-100pm lunch at "Al Pacino's" before the 3+ hour drive to the Cumorah Academy

31-Oct 4pm reconnecting with friends back at the Cumorah Academy  
Klarence (from Albania) taking a nice selfie--he plans to serve a mission soon

Until November when we update our mission moments again!
