We love Wien (Vienna) #wienliebe
(iconic bench in front of the Rathaus--City Hall) that we pass 4-5 times a week
   Our love for Vienna continues to grow.  We are blessed when old friends visits, we are fortunate to make new friends, and we rejoice with our fellow missionaries day to day.  We spent our first full month in Wien doing the best we could to lift and to serve others around us.
   We attend the international congregation in Döbling most Sundays.  We've made new friends from many countries and backgrounds.  We picked up a Ukrainian friend the other Sunday for the sister missionaries and stayed with her/them at the Liesing ward.  
    The best part of the Sabbath day, where ever it may be, is remembering the Savior, Jesus Christ and partaking of bread and water to remember his body and his blood shed for us.  It is a privilege to wear a name tag that represents Him wherever we walk here in Vienna.  Many a passerby read the our name tags; when we had our Czech tags--we saw many puzzled looks.  We have German name tags now and it's clear to most who represent.  
    Whether we have an outward name tag or not, I hope all who follow Jesus Christ will live as He would want them to live.  That we might all follow the teachings He brought to all the earth.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).  The entire 14th chapter of John is worth reading and striving to live unto every day, every day, every day (jeden tag, jeden tag, jeden tag).  Often painted on athletes who love Christ--John 3:7, "For God so Loved the World, that he gave his only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
    That's why we're here to share the testimony of John and other scriptures and our own witness and testimony of Jesus Christ....so we carry on the best we can doing that every day.

    Monday, August 1--tri district meeting at the Leopoldstadt meetinghouse--we gather, instruct and support each other as young and senior missionaries each week.

    Tuesday, August 2 morning walk along the canal to see a "famous" graffiti location in Wien.  The graffiti on beautiful buildings, trams, et al are not our favorite view in Wien.
Walking back 2-August morning we saw the back side of Stephanplatz cathedral

    Thursday, August 4th--the missionaries reassigned from Ukraine (who speak Russian and Ukrainian) initiated a German Class for refugees here in Wien.  The response was overwhelming.  The first week about 45 came, then 120+.... they prepare great lessons (it's helped my German too).  We bring refreshments (fruits, cookies) which are appreciated as they mingle and meet for a bit after their German class.
we don't mind looking after a few of the kids while their moms (mostly) study German
8-August, we collectively made tacos after district meeting...yum
[E. Wagner, Nadauld, Huntley, Christopher--sister missionaries had another appointment :-( ]

9-August Preparation Day--basketball and soccer at the Praterstrasse Park
    It was fun for me (playing with the 18-21 year old missionaries).  I held my own shooting the b-ball; and muddled through the futbol games.   After I shot okay, then I told them I was a state champion basketball player in Utah 44 years ago (yikes); great young men--smiles say it all!

    The Belvedere is 3 streets over and never disappoints when walking there in the morning, this church behind Rennweg near the Russian embassy is beautiful too.  Both locations are within 10 minute walks from our apartment:

11-August, another great Austria wide zone conference near Salzburg, Austria (meal time)
Sister Naatjes puts out our mission newsletter: wonderful message recaps, pictures and "auf wiedersehen(s)" from the missionaries returning home.

    12-August.  Our ex-pat friends, the Benson family, living in Krakow Poland took a 14-day drive across Europe vacation -- first stop was Wien (Vienna).  We provided Japanese curry and a few hours of showing key sites to Julie and the kids.  OT had a long business call.  It's always nice to remember our days serving our Ukrainian friends together in Krakow.
A wedding was being held at Karl's Kirche on our tour (I can only imagine the site rental fee!)

So we managed having our family-friends (6) in our cozy Wien apartment (entry way, kitchen, living room and bedroom)--2 futons and they brought 4 cots. too easy!
our Wien abode--we're grateful for a comfortable home

Sunday morning 14-August with our young elders (Christopher & Huntley), Dobling building:
    Sunday evening, Elders Nadauld, Wagner, Hendricks asked if we could provide housing for a young mother and her two kids who were sleeping on benches at the main train station.  They were heading back to Poland tomorrow (15-Aug) and then on back to Kyiv.  All went well except our hot water heating which works most of the time--went haywire and the poor boy took a cold bath.  We got it working....we hope they are safe and well back in Kyiv:

    15-August: District Meeting from the Elders' apartment above Rennweg (5th floor: 124 steps).  Before district meeting, I ran into them jogging at the Belvedere:

    16-August morning, Michele found some sights of interest around Wien for our morning walk:   (Hundertwasser Village)

    17-August (Wednesday), the Ukrainian speaker Elders found a Ukrainian group wanting to learn German about an hour and 20 minutes south of Wien.  I was chauffeur and enjoyed the late morning, early afternoon with some wonderful elders in the small village of Schottwien.  There were about 10 families living in this compound (apartment like) facility.

19-August, Borscht meal made by the Ukrainian German Students at the Leopoldstadt church

22-August: District Meeting, Sister Schroedter instruction on "Gratitude, Kindness" 
(of course, we needed to finish eating the last portions of Borscht from last Friday)

23-August -- found Saint Peter's church on our morning walk
more morning walk sights

Mozart tribute in the Volksgarten Park area
always beautiful Vienna Opera House (even in the rain)

    24-August, our friend, Valeri, from the Cumorah Academy, another Ukrainian refugee awaiting her mission call, came through Wien on the way to Serbia to visit her mother.  It's always a blessing to see our friends here in Wien.  We met here at the Hauptbahnhof (main train station, she came from Prague).  Grabbed a late lunch together and then took her across town to her bus to Serbia!

26-August, Friday evenings, we continue to offer "game nights", "English conversation" for all (including many Ukrainians) who come to German class the night before.  On Fridays, we offer a bit more than fruit and cookies:

27-August -- we offered a self reliance class "How to Find a Better Job" to our Ukrainian friends.  One of our Ukrainian family friends in our congregation facilitated the class.  Many Ukrainians are eager to improve their skills to live and work here in Austria
Vadym Chemariev is a big help, thanks Vadym.  They came to Wien after the war started 6 months ago with 3 young children. He joined the church in Kyiv 3-4 years ago and we hope his awesome wife becomes interested in the Lord too.  They both study German 3 hours a day in courses and are looking to stay (for now).  We see them every Sunday

29-August walking home from Monday Mission District Meeting--we love this alleyway (only 4 us had time to enjoy lunch together--did I say how much we love these young missionaries)

    Besides our morning walks, we started walking among the 20+ districts in Wien to find the 250 young single adults.  Michele is winning her fitbit challenges with 20-25,000 steps a day these past few weeks.  It's very rewarding when we find them home and enjoy a brief discussion.  We find many have moved away and a few (1 or 2) ask us to stay away.  We are here to invite: Come and See and Come Follow Him.

found this Asian food store in the 22nd district on our search and rescue walk 29-August (Monday evening)---no need to order Curry from Amazon-Germany in the future.

31-August morning walk took us to many famous sites again.
(leaving our street--neighbhorhood on Holhweggasse), all the sights below in 10,000+ steps
Schloss Belverdere
Russian Soldier Fountain for freedom from Nazi Germany
Karl's Kirche
Vienna Opera House
Stephanplatz (Saint Stephens Church)

It's always a joy to walk the beautiful city of Wien (Vienna).  This morning was reflective in many ways.  We hope we can be the Lord's hands, the best we can, as we serve Him here!

We're off to cook a vegetable and meat soup for the Institute Youth...1745 now, cheers.

Michele's meal was appreciated by the final 10 YSAs who came.  These 6 young men started the evening and sang "Did you Think to Pray?"--they sounded great (while we cooked)

Throughout the month of August, the Rathaus area has different Music Artists performances broadcast on the screen in front of city hall.  (Katy Perry last week...), we watched an hour of Les Miserables and few artists, here and there.

a local artist singing as we walked to the Institute building--auf Deutsch, beautiful voice

