The Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany 22-July-2022

     The city of Oberammergau Germany has been presenting this community play on the life of Christ from His Old Testament prophecies and His mission and Atonement since 1630s.  The town collectively prayed that the black plague would pass them over, they had a miraculous year of no deaths after 80+ in the past few years.  So the town promised to put on a play to remember Christ every 10 years.  It has been skipped a few times (wars etc), and delayed these past 2 years because of Covid.

     I thought the juxtaposition of old testament prophecies and stories which foreshadowed the times of Jesus Christ life and mission were well written and done.  They said the director was a non-Christian this year and Jesus was protrayed as an anger Christ, but I didn't see it that way.  The last line was "He lives"  -  I believe that's what I heard what he said in German on our evening--others heard "he's dead"--but my German ear is a beginner.  The program had it right just the same--Jesus Christ lived again and He lives today for each of us.

The Theater (no pictures nor video allowed during the 6 hour performance)
snapped only one picture:  final scene, post His resurrection (the local choir in black was magnificent throughout)
we had to read the script in English as the entire play and song was performed in German

(before the play and during the 3 hour afternoon break, we walked & picnicked by the stream)

Marissa Jean Anderson -- Birthday 20-July

Before the play we talked with our 2nd daughter, Marissa, our third child who turned 33 years old on 20-July-2022.  She is an amazing mother raising 5 children, fostering another young baby whom they've come to love like they did Israel (Izzie) another baby b
efore Alejandro.
we miss these little Anderson wonders....Capri (8), Addy (8), Sawyer (6), Sebestian (5) Piper (4)  & Alejandro (6 months)

Neuschwanstein Castle (first long trip visit: our preparation day) 21-July

     We were able to find accommodations near Oberammergau in a beautiful Bavarian Alps city called Garmisch-Partenkirchen (we stayed at the Gasthof zum Rassen Inn on the square--it was right across the street from a beautiful church whose bells tolled quite loudly every hour through the night-fwp).  On our way to Garmisch-Partenkirchen we stopped by the famous Neuschwanstein castle (the one Walt Disney fashioned his theme park castles).  Though it was a bit cloudy, it was a beautiful place with a secondary castle near the lake as well.

lots of walking--but beautiful vistas 
driving away from Neuschwanstein--we stopped for this beautiful manmade falls

Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Gasthof zum Rassen Inn)
 We stayed on the 4th floor (3rd floor in Germany)..a historic street, except for the church bells all night, we had 2 enjoyable evenings in this city.  Sights and sounds of our city:

traditional Bavarian (German) meats, cabbages, and dumplings

morning walk 23-July...Olympic ski jump practice slope

the morning we left 23-July (a Bavarian wedding)

Innsbruck Austria 
leaving Germany
arrived in Innsbruck in route to Wien (Vienna)

Morning walks in Wien and the Danube canal locks to the east
Karl's Kirche
Wien Opera House
Danuber River Docks east of Wien (30-July-2022)

2 cruises ships went upstream and 2 ships went downstream

Caleb logged some seriously long miles from Texas to UT...first day nearly 1200 miles (1900km) in < 18 hours to Moab, UT.  He made it to Provo in under 24 hours by himself. We're very grateful he's safe
good to be the youngest sometimes, driving dad's car while we're on our senior mission.....
    We will yet travel across waters and roads here on our mission and throughout life.  May the Lord's Peace and Guidance be with us all, always.  Experience is a tough task master, but it is why we are here--to learn, to believe and to do.  Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth and Light.
