Our Capacity to Love Increases (1st Half of March 2022)

Our Capacity to Love increases miraculously through service:
          We were blessed to serve in Poland (for nearly 6 weeks) to help our Ukrainian friends fleeing harm's way inflicted by unrighteous leaders seeking dominion over a sovereign nation at peace. Our love for our Ukrainian friends and the Polish people increased beyond words. Our hearts were also filled with sorrow for Russian citizens suffering by the hands of their leaders. These geopolitical battles are above our ability to correct. However, we were blessed to offer a welcoming hand, a warm heart, food, shelter, transportation, a smile and our love to many in need--so that is what we did for nearly all of March and early April 2022 in Krakow, Poland. We also spent a few days in east Slovakia near the Ukraine border helping other missionaries serving Ukrainians coming into Slovakia.

     After resuming our duties back in the Czech Republic, we were asked to replace our friends, Lee and Mryna Boam, who served with the YSAs in Wien (Vienna) Austria and travel to the Cumorah Academy (in the Czech Republic--3 days a week) to teach Institute and continue our support of the self reliance courses (which we have done since last September 2021--fall semester). So, we transferred missions to the Alpine Germany Mission and now live in Wien Austria (4 days a week). We are learning and loving our new assignment and the YSAs we associate with weekly. They are simply amazing young people that give us older folks great hope for the future. German is much easier than Czech (Slavic based languages are tough!). A lot of English has Germanic language roots.

     I targeted to update our mission blog twice a month, but these past 3 months have been so busy that I only updated activities via Facebook so the real time impacts of the Ukrainian crises could win support of our Ukraine friendly friends around the world. Their flight and plight from harm's way was real and our love and support was sincere and genuine. You may see a duplicate of the those postings in this blog. The miracles we experience by the hand of God were tender and plentiful in the lives of His children who called out to Him--we were grateful and blessed to give aid to as many as we could.

2 March 2022 (leaving Jihlava Czechia, arrived 5+ hours later to Krakow, Poland), 1st hotel:
moved the next morning to the Liv'Inn Hotel 3-March through 8-April
walked from our hotel in NW-Krakow through the square 4-March evening to meet Lesya!
      First, thanks for your prayers, support, and strength to the people of Ukraine. We are well in Krakow-Poland. Sorry for another post so soon.
      The following "long story" is a pure tender mercy from the Lord which filled us with much joy tonight. We received a message from our friend Henry Kosak in Germany (a Cumorah Mentor, EU BYU Pathways Mgr) requesting us to visit his friend, Lesya Chaykovskaya, who managed to leave Kiev a few days ago. Lesya is a refugee here in Krakow in route to her daughter in Canada. This evening, we walked across the beautiful city of Krakow 30 minutes to Lesya's friend Elina's apartment from Ukraine who has lived here 2 years. We rang Lesya's friend flat, but no answer. So, I text Lesya and tell her our connection through Henry. We're here to help, I conclude. I decide to ring the door one more time and Lesya answers. Up 4 floors and we visit a bit in English. We FB Msgr call Henry and they rejoice talking in Russian.
      After their call, we talk a bit more and Lesya shares that her daughter had been living in Brunei and recently transferred to Canada. A "light" connection goes off in my head and I ask Lesya if her daughter is Katya Kofman who used to live in Katy, Texas? Yes, that is her daughter, she cried, as tears welled up in both our eyes. I have been friends with Katya for more than 10 years and adore her family and their ex-pat adventures. We called Katya via FB Msgr and the global connection was complete. We will help Lesya get some more clothes tomorrow and ready for her reunion with her daughter back in Canada--soon, we all hope. We know the drill of leaving a home quickly with only 2 sets of clothes when we left our Hurricane Harvey flooded home. The drill of leaving from a flood cannot even compare to what Lesya and Katya must be feeling as their homeland, loved ones are being bombed and killed without mercy. Despite these terrible events, the joy and love on that 4th floor apartment was heaven sent. The 30 minute walk back to our hotel in a bustling city was like floating home. As we left the flat we realized I was born in '60, Lesya in '61 and Michele in '62. We are all 60s brothers and sisters as we group hugged good-bye!
      We also hope to make connections and help many Ukrainian refugees with Lesya's friend, Alina, who was still out at 9pm helping many fellow Ukrainians here in Krakow.
      We don't always know what God has in mind, but if we remain open minded and open with our hearts, He will lead us to do good and bless His children --- we truly are all brothers and sisters from whichever nation, language, clime, or belief we have. Let us live in love and Let Peace Prevail!
     Your prayers and support are felt here. We will keep striving daily to listen and to help those we can. When we minister to the one, as He did, it is enough and it may even be miraculous.

Magical first evening in Krakow, Poland -- the peaceful town square.....
      Our Krakow Rescue Hub work takes on new proportions. In the first weeks after the war started, thousands of Ukrainians came to Krakow each hour by bus and train. From our hotel, the Krakow Church meeting place is a 5 minute walk, then on through the city another 10 minutes to the central Krakow bus/train stations.
     Saturday evening we plan to drive to the Ukraine border to help pick up a few older folks with health troubles. We plan to arrive 1am. There remains uncertainty of border crossing, but we’ll be standing ready for our dear Ukrainian friends!
     We were able to meet Veronika at the Krakow bustling train station Friday morning amidst 1000s of refugees arriving. A wonderful family, the Kucia(s), took her in. Sarah Kucia married a Pole. She played VB at UVU. The Kucia’s had a Ukrainian family of 6 stay at their home they’re building outside of Krakow the last few nights. That family drove on to Germany today and another 8 refugees are staying there tonight.
     Michele and and I took them shopping for food and clothes on the church’s welfare credit card! They were so appreciative. Carrefour had Google translate for Polish and Ukrainian.
     Our hearts remain tender toward these resilient and strong people. The generosity of the Poles, Germans and so many across Europe and the world will win over the wrongs being committed on the citizens of Ukraine.
     Good will win in the end! Thanks for your prayers and support. When I get time, my next blog will be rich with those our hearts have been touched by every day, every day!

Shopping Sat morn/noon with Lesya and our first of many moments with Alina--a true friend to many
We found our first Krakow Train station friend--Veronika. 5-Mar, Saturday afternoon. She stayed at the Kucia's flat 5-Mar pm.
Shopping Saturday evening for the first group we met at the Kucia's new home in south Krakow.
     Miracles and tender mercies continue amidst much sorrow and suffering of so many Ukrainian refugees (mostly women and children and the elderly).
     Late Saturday night drive into early Sunday morning was our first trip to the Ukraine-Poland border to pick up 3 dear new friends ( Vyacheslav Gulko and Zoya Gulko family and their life long friend Larysa). We arrived 2am after a late Sat Carrefour shopping trip for a family of 8. Timing of border crossing uncertainty meant an hour sleep before a call came that they had cleared the border—we drove to a Poland refuge center to greet them and drive them to Krakow Sunday for a 930 arrival!
Monday afternoon miracle and prayers answered to find one family (a mom and twin 13-year old girls) among thousands at the Krakow train station.
     I share these updates though extremely tired near midnight to 1am + so all may see real time and stand against this unjust war and flight of the Ukrainian people. Their courage, sacrifice, humility, gratitude and fight are amazing. May Russian leaders cease targeting the helpless refugees! Their stories touch hearts! They leave their husbands and sons with hopes for peace and a return to Ukraine that they might rebuild!

     We slept about an hour before Greg Pawlik, Poland Country Rescue Coordinator, called and said the Gulkos had finally crossed the border and were at the temporary refugee center... energy for those in need -- our lack of sleep cannot be compared to their ordeal the last few days and long night in the cold crossing the Ukraine-Poland border....hours in line!
     So blessed to have met Slava and Zoya Gulko and their life-long friend Larysa at the Poland-Ukraine border Sunday morning 5am as the daylight was breaking. Zoya has Parkinson’s and a walker. They stood 5 hours through Sat sub freezing temperatures to pass through Ukrainian border control. Then over to the warm Polish border refugee process center. The Polish government and people have been so hospitable and amazing!
     Our 3-4 hour drive back Krakow was filled with great stories and testimony. Zoya converted in the early 1990s, such an amazing story. She translated many scriptures into Ukrainian (Book of Mormon-Another Testament of Jesus Christ, D&C etc). Slava was a bishop and district president for some 20 years in Kiev.
     Such a pleasure to meet and know them. We hope to have time for lunch or dinner tomorrow before they fly to friends in Germany on Wednesday!
     Tim and Agata Tudor-Hart took in many tired and weary Ukrainians--special saints! First Sunday in Krakow (6-Mar-2022), Testimony in Russian, translated by Veronika--tender memories and tears as she was grateful to be out with her group, but her heart and prayers were for her 2 sons (18+ and her husband back in Ukraine).
Monday morning departure from the Kucia's home to Germany... driven by Nacho with the Cumorah Academy van---the young guy finally warmed up to papa Schroedter after a few days!

Monday afternoon miracle: Marina & her two twin daughters at the Krakow Train Station
     We got a call with sparse information around 4pm, please pick up a mother (Marina) and her 2 teenage daughters arriving by train at 5:15. No pictures of them, no Poland phone number. We waited at the typical waiting place for an hour (Krakow Trsin station exit by the globe). We both said silent prayers and walked toward the train ticket area. “Lord, help us find these weary women.”
     The Benson family who recently moved to Krakow begin taking many Ukrainian friends into their home even before their household goods arrived from the U.S. Expat family with hearts of gold!
    dear Friends Vlad and Bohdana from Cumorah Academy come to Krakow Poland to help translate and rescue many of their country people fleeing harm's way in Ukraine. A little romance is possible even in war time! Monday 7-March pm
     8-March, Tuesday late morning, these 3 young missionaries serving in Krakow help load 60 sleeping bags for delivery to Warsaw into one of 5 vehicles rented by Adrian Clive Langley ‘s team of 5 assembled from 3 continents. They move refugees near the border to Krakow, Warsaw, Chelm, Rzeszow, Wrocław… over to Prague, Czechia and even Gorlitz, Germany. They’ve been invaluable in helping scores, probably over 100+ Ukrainian refugees in 3 days. I’m actually writing this at 1145 pm as I got a call at 8pm if I could get a hotel room for a mother and her daughter. I booked the last one just in time. I’ll handover the key soon. The lobby is closed. The Ukrainian people’s flight and need energize us volunteers to help as much as we can. William Kezele and his son and all the drivers have become comrades in arms and dear friends in our labor of love. -- with Sadaraka Mahoni.

    Tuesday, 8-March, This dear Iryna Gorskaya family traveled 7 long and weary days from Kharkov, Ukraine. Her boys were so tired and exhausted. We were able to get a rendezvous point confirmed inside the train station, we brought signs and a find was made quickly vs the night before! Both dear and special meetings. You can see and feel the youngest son’s tears and hurt. (Tuesday morning meeting at the Krakow Train station) The boys were exhausted, but thrilled to see Western EU cars from our hotel window where they showered, got a late breakfast and we then drove them to the Bensons as well.
Tuesday pm we met with a few more volunteer drivers and their friends from the border back in Krakow. Clive Langley from the U.K. and his friend Lance from Las Vegas. Later we walked to the Jewish quarter and spied this castle illuminate with support for Ukraine's fight!

on our walk to the Jewish quarter across Krakow, we saw this building a heard a young man playing the bagpipes; my friend Steve W, from CA told me the song is "Going Home" - a longing for our Ukrainian friends I'm sure
a historical part of Krakow that thrived with a bigger Jewish community before WW II and the nearby Auschwitz concentration camp. Tuesday 8-March, five days after Henry Kosak asked we check on Lesya, he is able to visit Krakow. We worked together nearly a month in Krakow. Also at dinner was EU Humanitarian manager, Gilles Francios and Alina--our super hero.

9-March errands and first drop off at the Krakow airport, our dear Gulko friends. Sim cards, a must, for Marina and her twin daughters in the am; noon pickup of the Gulkos at Tudor-Hart home. Sister Gulko asks if I was a journalist in the past....haha (too many pictures -- we love and miss all our new and dear Ukrainian and Polish friends!
9-Mar pm--another rescue pick up at Alina's apartment, more Kyiv friends (mom and Roxann) whom we took to a hotel near the church. Lesya still happily waiting for her Canadian visa to reunite with her daughter, Katya Koffman
10-March another Train Station rescue meet! Coming with signs, (eventually folks in Germany made laminated signs in Ukrainian and Russian for us)....ironically, the group is right behind Michele when we first arrived at the Krakow Train Station Globe--meeting place!
Sharing some photos of beautiful Krakow when we had a last few free hours before lunch on Saturday, 5-March...I'm glad we took advantage of this short window to see the historical city and its charm. We hope you enjoy these photos....
So many beautiful churches in Europe--including Krakow ("stopped into a church, we passed along the way!")

The Krakow square on a cloudy day! 5-March-2022
Krakow Castle

Pretty cool dragon statute below the castle....

found this Japanese restaurant on our walk back for lunch -- Tonkatsu Curry!
Back to 10 March,
friends of Alina: our first meeting of Lana and Eugene at President Larcher's place. The beginning of a long friendship and relationship.
      11-March: volunteer drivers--special miracles unfold daily. Friday morning breakfast with Nacho Ampuero Martinich's new Ukrainian friends. Nacho brought Cumorah Academy's van to to Poland - Ukraine rescue work. He has driven all across Poland. Earlier this week, he drove a family of 7 all the way to Gorlitz Germany, and returned to Krakow the same day.
      The Cumorah Academy requested the van back in Czechia as the number of refugees at their campus (45+) requires transport support in Czechia. Nacho was 20 minutes from the Ukraine border when he got this request to come back to Czechia. He felt inspired to make the trip worthwhile, so he drove to the border refugee center.
      He asked if anyone would like a free ride to the Prague area. Many were skeptical, free? why? He shared his story of needing to return the van to Czechia. This family took up his offer. I had booked extra rooms (we always seem to fill them). Nacho brought them to a free hotel stay, a free breakfast and a free ride. They changed their destination to Vienna (not too far out of his way). Nacho served them well. This family was not on our rescue list, but they were known to God and Nacho listened and blessed them.
     I don't know if they were religious or believed in God, but they expressed their gratitude and want to learn more about Him--a definite positive.
     May we all find ways to listen to Him and bless the lives of others as Nacho did this day!
11-March -- more work and rescues and observations
      Cumorah student safely with her family in Germany, we picked up this mom and son at the Krakow train station late 11-Mar Friday night and we got lost going to the Kucia's flat--GPS is our friend most of the time, sorry to scare these two a bit, we think

     Friday night group arrived from the border to the Kucia home just past midnight, with some tired drivers (James Guscott and Michael Kezele), and translation support by Vlad Orlov, a Cumorah Academy student. Vlad is Ukrainian, served his mission in Ukraine and finished his 2 years in Dec 2021. He and his girlfriend Bohdana have been invaluable communicating with these vulnerable women and children.
     The group was very tired but so grateful to have a good night’s rest on couches, futons and air mattresses. A hot shower, a bite to eat before their continued journeys onto Germany Saturday (today) around 1pm (12 hours after this picture was taken).
     When we arrived at back to the Kucia’s home tonight with 10 new Ukrainianrefugees, everything was neatly folded, put away and cleaned. Such humble and grateful guests on a very long and arduous journey. These women are so amazingly strong, brave, proud, humble, gracious. We love serving them and sending our care and genuine love “every day, every day, every day” to quote Elder Johnson again.

On our way to pick up the 10 refugees and shuttle them to the Kucia’s home in south Kraków. Sister Michele Ross Schroedter received a call to deliver some food to a woman and her son staying at an air bnb. An appreciative mother gave Michele a tender hug of thanks.

       Michele Ross Schroedter suggested I get in a picture or two. We brought 10 to the Kucia’s, yet to live in new home, (4th refugee group in a week: groups of 5, 8, 11, 10 tonight Sat. 12-Mar). Their entire group was 29 into Krakow via bus from the border. The other 19 were taken to 5 other member homes between 6-9 pm.
       I asked if I could share their photo on FB to make my friends in many countries aware of their flight, fight and courage. My friends remain interested in their journeys and and are praying for Ukraine’s freedoms and win over tyranny’s wrongs. Please share, they all agreed. Two elderly folks with canes, raised their arms—“win Ukraine “. It was very warming, the smiles were priceless memories. They will be picked up by volunteer drivers coming from and back to Germany tomorrow (no small sacrifice: 6-8 hours one way), and then drive these dear refugees to longer term homes in Germany. — with Yulia Dobrovolska.
       Michael Kezele and I did shopping for the 10 refugees we left at Andrez and Sarah Kucia’s home. He suggested new toothbrushes, throw them in I said. Besides many necessities—some treats for all!

After a long week--Sabbath Day of Rest 13-March-2022 (friends from Kiyv reunite in Krakow)
Michael Kezele is a great friend and volunteer

Departure hour after church -- most off to German Saints' homes 13-Mar-2022
Our early efforts to organize the growing complexity of volunteers and rescue workings: (eventually put into powerpoint!)
after weeks of drawing something similar to above whiteboard planning, I documented the processes (which continual changed and did after we left in early April): we had no manual or instructions, but he Lord guided us and our volunteers to help as many Ukrainians as we could. To Him we give Thanks!

14-March 3am pick up of Lesya with her Canadian visa in hand! Parting is such sweet sorrow from her Kiyv friend Alina who had been living in Krakow for 2 years... We were taking Lance Foster to the airport in Brno to get his rental van, so we did not have room to take Alina to the airport :-(...

end of 1HMar2022
