A strength to the poor, the needy in distress, a refuge from the storm  [Isaiah 25]

    Our hearts are turned toward Ukraine which was unjustly attacked and invaded last Thursday; we also feel sorrow for those who were forced by their regime to invade a peaceful nation.  We pray for our Ukrainian friends and their loved ones in harm's way.  We pray for a swift and peaceful resolution to the conflict.  We know many Ukrainians have family and friends in Russia too.  Let there by Peace on earth soon; and let it begin with me.

    We will leave for Poland soon to help with humanitarian relief efforts as thousands of Ukrainian refugees travel to Poland and neighboring countries.  Yesterday, after we spoke in church in Olomouc, we received a request from Jan Pohořelický, Cumorah Academy Managing Director--former Czech/Slovak Mission President, to pick up a Ukrainian mother and her 9 year old son.  They made their way to Brno, Czechia after 2 days of train/bus rides from Ukraine via Poland with little sleep.  Yuliia shared her vivid and real time stories and experiences as we drove across Czechia.  We pray for refugees seeking peace from this war.


    Our first refugee and newest Ukrainian friend yesterday.  We drove Yuliia and her son Daniel from Brno, Czechia to Načeradec (Cumorah Academy) in central Czechia.  Such beautiful smiles despite 2 long sleepless days of travel to the Brno bus station Sunday 1:15pm; arrival at Cumorah Academy, 3:15pm.  They will take some much needed rest.

    Lots of love being shown from the 25 non Ukrainian students (representing 12 countries) toward the 20 Ukrainian students on campus this semester!   Patrick Sedivy has offered his Cumorah Academy to those who seek refuge from this storm..... including the students currently on campus.


Cumorah Academy this week   -  A place of Refuge from the Storm

from my Friday morning 7am walk--beautiful place and people
Sunday 27-Feb-22 afternoon arriving back to Cumorah Academy

     Sunday 27-Feb 22 evening we stayed after bringing our new Ukrainian friends Yuliia and Daniel from Brno.  We held our Finding Strength in the Lord (Emotional Resiliency) class with Fall semester students on line (1700).  We enjoyed dinner and some time with the Winter semester students.  Today was our 3rd visit this week--Tuesday (Self Reliance-SR classes), Wednesday thru Friday (Thursday Temple Trip to Freiburg Germany, and SR classes as scheduled Friday morning).  Back Sunday afternoon to typically conduct sacrament service, Sunday School, and other student discussions and fun.

Jonas (from Spain-Santa Cruz [Canary Islands] ) adding words of support for Ukraine.  Friday,  students from Spain made cookies, heart attacked the Ukrainian students' doors.  Friends from Spain, Czechia, Brazil, and France breaking their fast and enjoying each other

    This week's mentors, Dan and Emily Hillstrom, dining with students from Albania, Romania, Hungary, Germany, Ukraine, Italy and Sister Boam, Institute-CES senior missionary.  Our Jihlava Elders (Virga and Gubler) with Alex from Ukraine...more Ukrainians at the end of the table; another fine meal presented by the awesome chefs and kitchen staff here at Cumorah.

    Elder Boam (CES-Institute Senior Missionary) back from a long week back in the states for medical checkup and personal business--the IRS tax man never rest.  Josh from the U.K. and Vlad and Bohdana from the Ukraine.  Vlad home from his mission (< 2 months) served within Ukraine.  Quite a cute couple that started dating here at the Academy, I believe.
    Okay, Sister Schroedter and I look forward to great games of "Skull King" or any good game whenever we can.  We love all the students here.  This group of 8 Ukrainians love Skull King like we do; we managed to find some fun and enjoyed a few beautiful smiles despite the worries and concerns they rightfully have for family back home. "V" for victory.  Denys and his game partner Eniko (not shown) from Hungary won this game before they all went to an 8pm fireside with the Hillstroms and we took our Jihlava Elders home.

Olomouc, Czechia   -  preaching the good word of God and fellowshipping with the saints

    Saturday afternoon, we drove via Brno to buy and deliver a new wi-fi router to the Elder's apartment; we then drove north to Olomouc.  We checked into the Trinity Hotel near the square; I helped Caleb with his accounting pre-test 4-6pm (we scored a 99--I hope so, as a long past CPA); later, he did well on the actual test (by himself, of course, a 97).  We went to dinner with the new senior missionary couple who are serving in Olomouc (Doug and Lisa Anderson most recently from Crestwood, Kentucky after his 1st dental career where they raised their family outside Chicago for 35+ years).  We meet such wonderful young and senior missionaries here in Czechia who love the Lord, Jesus Christ, as we do.

    We taught principles of self reliance and testified of the Love of Jesus Christ.  We also spent the second hour collectively discussing and sharing good principles of Christ's gospel.  I reflected back to the time I attended with the New Albany, IN Stake Presidency in Crestwood, KY at the temple site ground-breaking ceremony in 1999 before we moved to Singapore.  I often taught Alma 31:5 across our southern Indiana stake in 1998 & 1999--"preaching the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just--it had a more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else...therefore, we should try the virtue of the word of God."

Olomouc Branch 27-Feb-22 am (4-5 youth not shown); Sestry (Anderson & Schroedter).


Beautiful Olomouc Town Square (Náměsti) - flying the Ukrainian flag [support]

Freiburg Germany Temple Trip   -  A place of Peace from the Storm

    Thursday morning, all are aware that Russia has launched an attack against Ukraine.  As we proceed as planned to Freiburg Temple, Brother Kosak shares:

Isaiah 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation;  I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and  my song; he also is become my salvation"

The roads are tighter with a full size--comfortable bus

a snippet of the Ukrainian National Song as we traveled Thursday 24-Feb-22

arrival to Freiburg Germany
'that same sociality which exists among us here will exists among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy"  D&C 130:2, but it is glorious with dear friends at and in the House of the Lord 


dinner on the way home in Czechia

Our walks around Jihlava   -  walking up the River way

    From England across the Europe mainland, strong winds caused much havoc and damage earlier last week.  A tree damaged this car just above the zoo area near where the younger elders live.  The river on the north side (near Kaufland store) ...


Up the River a few miles...love the sound of running river water


some man made snow for cross country ski exercise


Optimism   -  from Madara Zommerovska (from Latvia)

    Madara runs her own child care business back in Latvia, she also coordinates the mentors  who come to Cumorah Academy.  She filled in for some classes last week  She is a great example to the youth and to us. 


Prayers for Ukraine, her people and Peace to come Soon!

