February warming hearts and homes

    We're grateful for family, friends and the world around us.  We love our Facetime calls, WhatsApp postings, Line, Marco Polo and other social media that connects to our world.  Of course, we have our good days and hard days like anyone.  However, we are super blessed to grow and to love with many here in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

    We enjoy our walks in our city of Jihlava.  When the temperature reaches 10 C (50 F) we feel its springtime and are ready to go out in short sleeves; back in Texas, we'd be putting on the parkas.  The body adjust to our surroundings I suppose.

    We had another fine zone conference in Prague this week.  We truly grow to love the young missionaries.  We miss those who've gone home and those we're working with on their "My Plan" to help them adjust well back to college, work, etc.

    May you all keep those whom you love close to you and in your hearts forever even if they've gone before.  Good health and God Bless.

Peyton Jodi Schroedter smiles melt us -- beautiful dual dimples like her mom

Rocky is standing, wanting to walk and talking a storm--we miss all our kids and grandkids; our youngest two grandkids grow up so fast at this age!

Our daily walks - beautiful forests and sunrises minutes from our apartment, my Valentine!

Sestra Schroedter overcoming (?) managing her fear of grated pathways.  As Taylor tells her: "trust the engineers"
When they squeak or sway, it's not a good day!

Our Town - a windy morning (clear, blue and dangerous too)

driving back to Jihlava from Načeradec (Cumorah Academy) - Rainbow on D1walking up the Town Square (east side)...old man winter going away  transformation of the Town's Square skating rink


  ice skating rink dismantled and cobble stone maintenance work

section of roof (over the musuem) came off last Thursday--no one was hurt
beautiful streets and road angles!

Our Monthly West Zone Mission Conferences (Feb 2022)

West Zone Sestry
3 of 5 Missionaries going home in March--we love our "My Plan" discussions with each of them (teary-eyed good-byes to many of their fellow missionaries).
Ok, Sister Milich (from Toronto Canada) is full of zeal before we sing our mission song

A few more from Cumorah Academy (Feb 2022)

Meals are always delicious, 
Elders Gubler and Virga teaching the gospel to two friends from Ukraine

Normal Life: Shopping and Car Cleaning this morn (19 Feb 2022)
Back on our street -  Čajkovského
May your springtime be clear and clean (as the days permit)


  1. Love seeing your posts (and pictures!), and following your mission journey!


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