January comes to a close -- mentor week at Cumorah begins

After 10 days of quarantine at the Cumorah Campus, the Winter 2022 group have been meeting the past week.  Sister Schroedter and I are delighted to help with Self Reliance each week.  The first week of February we will be visiting mentors as well.  We surely grow to love these youth from countries all across Europe.  This was Sunday 30-January after we presented a Fireside on Jesus Christ.
Time in the common area--catching up, meals and relaxing.  Gabi is a great friend and utility player (wears many hats at Cumorah Academy)--visiting stake President Mikhailovskii from Ukraine. 

Missionary moments, ward visits and meals

Celebrating my birthday with our Jihlava young elders at a recommended bar-grill near the square.   We love time with Elder Virga and Elder Gubler in our same city.  My first hamburger in Czechia. (19-Jan-2022)
21-January 2022 West Zone (Chechia) young missionaries--we love them all
Plzen ward 23-Jan-22: great discussions on Self Reliance/Ministering 
Upper Bohemia District Training on English Connect, visit and delicious meal at Liberec City Chicago Bar and Grill restaurant  27-Jan-22
Giving thanks to President Fejta and his family helping me and our sister missionaries (Sisters Gustafson and Sister Crookston) find an apartment in Třebíč.  3rd hamburger in a month, yikes, "take it easy Fuller" (movie quote from??)
We love teaching Institute Wednesday evenings in Brno.  Sister Schroedter makes a nice meal after Institute and before YSA.  We played Code Names last week.  Elder Woodland wanted to send a picture to his bishop back in Colorado.  We met his bishop at the airport in route to Czechia in September.
We've grown quite attached to Jan and his mom Vera.  Many visits at their place on the town square to our favorite Indian restaurant in Jihlava, Czechia.  We are grateful to minister in our Jihlava branch to some wonderful members.  I serve as the branch clerk as well.

Packages from home!


We stopped by the mission home in Prague on our drive (2.5 hours) from Liberec to Jihlava and picked up our Christmas care package from our Katy 2nd ward primary (children 3-11 age).  We loved the messages they sent as well as Bucee's Nugget treats!  We will forward Sister Utsch's package from the same congregation back in Katy to where she serves in Slovakia

Grant and Kendall prepared our 2022 Christmas Calendar gift with family photos and memories.  The Shutterfly package first came to the Germany Alpine Mission by Kendall's sister visiting her folks (mission president) during Christmas.  Then at a Alpine Germany zone conference last week in Salzburg, Elder and Sister Boam, who come up from Vienna to Cumorah Academy each week to teach Institute and business classes, delivered it to us this past Sunday, 30-Jan-2022.  We enjoyed 2 days of January.  They estimated Peyton's birthday (with her sonogram photo) per her delivery date...she actually arrived 10-January.  She and Papa are Capricorns together!  Taylor and Kaitlyn's family are featured as their Anniversary is in January--we miss all our family and especially the grandkids.  Rocky is growing up so big too--crawling and communicating in his way (thankful for frequent Facetimes).

Peyton Jodi Schroedter -- 21 days old!


We love the photo updates of Peyton Jodi Schroedter from Kendall and Grant Schroedter.  She is a beautiful 21 day old--she has her mom's cute dimples.  Grateful for her good health and home!
