Welcome to the world: Peyton Jodi Schroedter, born 10-January-2022, 7lbs. 10oz. 20.5inches to Grant and Kendall Schroedter in Minnesota!  She's alert, beautiful, and the apple of her dad's eye!
    We're glad that Jodi Naatjes was able to leave her duties with the mission president in Alpine Germany to arrive the day before Kendall went into labor.  Jodi has been a big support to Kendall and to Grant in their new parenthood adventures.  We love Facetime technology and hope to meet Peyton face to face during our mission in Czechia.  Grateful for air travel!


Weather Fluctuations, Transfers, District Visits and Friends 

    I took some walks a couple days after Christmas in the cold and snow all bundled up; a few days later New Year's Day, I did the same 6-7 mile walk in a short sleeve shirt???  [50F seems warm now]

               28-Dec-2021  south of town              -->                         1-Jan-2022                 
         Jihlava Zoo Entrance 28-Dec-21                                              1-Jan-2022
         north of Jihlava along the river 28-Dec-21  -->                       1-Jan-2022
  Our beautiful Jihlava Square ice angel, 21-Dec-2021    -->  was no more on 1-Jan-2022
view of Jihlava City from the south 1-Jan-22 (warm 50F)  ->   short sleeve 2 for 2022
    Moravia District Council in Brno (30-Dec-21), we enjoy meeting with our district weekly except when there is zone conference.  We went to Brno Square for some Indian Food at Buddha's place.  The manger display on Brno Square was quite extensive!
   Grateful to go on a walk with Vera and her son Jan whom we've been ministering since we arrived in Jihlava.  It was a pleasant day on the Square and lunch at Tran (Vietnamese).  Jan is good at English and we have joy communicating with Vera with Google translate and some German words that she and I know.  Her first time out of her apartment for a few months! 31-Jan.  She sings like an angel too!
New Year's Eve Fireworks outside our flat's north windows: til 12:30am (00:30), Michele's puzzle time

    Our Morovia District came to Jihlava 3-January for a shared p-day activity; we visited the old city wall's clock tower and had gyros for lunch.  Some great views of our town.
pano view to the east
             view to the north                                                               view to the west
                           view from the Clock Tower to the south in Jihlava, Czechia

      inside the tower (old city models) and clock mechanisms and inquisitive missionaries:

    We visited  3 other District Meetings last week:  500+ miles in 3 days (Jan 6th-Plzen Southwest Bohemia), (Jan 7th-Olomouc North Morovia), (8th-Praha) to provide some training on English Connect.  We absolutely love meeting the young missionaries--especially in smaller groups as we get to know them better over lunch et al.  We love these young people so much.  They have great hearts and sincere souls!  I only have pictures of our Olomouc visit (my bad).  The new senior missionaries (Andersons) doing Institute/CES will live in Olomouc (end of Jan):

        We continue to teach Institute in Brno on Wednesday evenings.  We started our study of the New Testament 2 weeks ago; I'm learning so much as the teacher as I prepare the classes each week.  We have some great students.  Aneta is from Jihlava but studies at the University in Brno.  Following Institute they have YSAs activities, fun and dinner that Sister Schroedter prepares.


    We went to Cumorah Academy on Tuesday to initiate self reliance class/registrations with the 50+ new students for the Winter Semester.  Unfortunately, they are in lock down (quarantine) as Omicron/Covid raises its head a bit there.   We did Zoom self reliance classes today.

    Sister Schroedter and I coincidentally got our Pfizer vaccine booster shots here in Jihlava this week.   We have our shots registered in the EU digital Covid Certification system--we feel super official now!

    Have a great week!


  1. 18 LEDNA 2022: Bratře, přeji ti příjemné a nádherné výročí tvého narození. Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám. --malý bratr Pavel


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