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It Mattered to that One

    You may have heard of the starfish story. It's about an old man who is walking on the beach.  A big storm has passed and the beach is full of starfish. The old man notices a boy in the distance who repeatedly picks something up and throws it in the water. As the man approaches, he asks the boy what he's doing. The boy says he's throwing the starfish back into the ocean because if left on the beach under the hot sun, they would die. The old man replies, "there are thousands of them! "You won't make much difference." The boy picks up another starfish and throws it back into the water. Smiling, he turns to the old man and says, "I made a difference to that one!" Incredible Senior Humanitarian Missionaries making a difference to the One . We have the privilege of working with 7 senior missionary couples on scores of active and new Humanitarian Projects every week in 4 countries.  One of the 3 retired doctors, serving their 2nd senior mission in

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